§ 6-14-6 Issuance of license Bond Change of ownership. If the clerk shall be satisfied from the application that the proposed sale isof the character which the applicant desires to conduct and advertise, theclerk shall issue a license, upon the payment of the fee of one hundred dollars($100), together with a good and sufficient bond, payable to the city or townin the penal sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), with sureties approved by ajustice of the district court whose judicial district is situated in the cityor town in which the sale is to be conducted, conditioned upon compliance with§§ 6-14-3 and 6-14-4 and other pertinent sections of this chapter, tothe person applying for the license, authorizing him or her to advertise andconduct a sale of the particular kind mentioned in the application, accordingto the requirements of this chapter; provided, that, after a change in theownership of the whole of the goods, wares, and merchandise, or of the entirebalance in case a portion has already been sold, no person shall carry on thesale until the new owner of the goods, wares, and merchandise or balance of thegoods, wares, and merchandise shall have obtained from the city or town clerkthe license required by § 6-14-3 in the manner previously provided;provided further, however, that any merchant who shall have been conducting abusiness in the same location where the sale is to be held for a period of atleast one full year, prior to the holding of the sale, shall be exempted fromthe payment of the fee and the filing of the bond provided for in this section.