§ 6-16-7 Remedies of creditors. (a) In an action for relief against a transfer or obligation under thischapter, a creditor, subject to the limitations in § 6-16-8, may obtain:
(1) Avoidance of the transfer or obligation to the extentnecessary to satisfy the creditor's claim;
(2) An attachment or other provisional remedy against theasset transferred or other property of the transferee in accordance with theprocedure prescribed by applicable statutes and rules of procedure;
(3) Subject to applicable principles of equity and inaccordance with applicable rules of civil procedure:
(i) An injunction against further disposition by the debtoror a transferee, or both, of the asset transferred or of other property;
(ii) Appointment of a receiver to take charge of the assettransferred or of other property of the transferee; or
(iii) Any other relief the circumstances may require.
(b) If a creditor has obtained a judgment on a claim againstthe debtor, the creditor, if the court so orders, may levy execution on theasset transferred or its proceeds.