§ 6-2-5 Duration and renewal. (a) Registration of a mark under this chapter shall be effective for a term often (10) years from the date of registration and, upon application filed withinsix (6) months prior to the expiration of the term, on a form to be furnishedby the secretary of state, the registration may be renewed for a like term. Arenewal fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), payable to the secretary of state, shallaccompany the application for renewal of the registration.
(b) A mark registration may be renewed for successive periodsof ten (10) years in like manner.
(c) The secretary of state shall notify registrants of marksunder this chapter of the necessity of renewal within the year next precedingthe expiration of the ten (10) years from the date of registration, by writingto the last known address of the registrants.
(d) All applications for renewals under this chapter, whetherof registrations made under this chapter or of registrations effected under anyprior law, shall include a statement that the mark is still in use in the state.