§ 6-28.1-3 Home solicitation. (a) The following unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts orpractices undertaken by any person in a transaction intended to result or whichresults in the sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer are unlawful:
The home solicitation of a consumer who is a senior citizenwhere a loan is made encumbering the primary residence of that consumer for thepurposes of paying for home improvements and where the transaction is part of apattern or practice in violation of either subsection (h) or (i) of 15 U.S.C.§ 1639 or subsection (e) of 12 CFR 226.32.
(b) A third party shall not be liable under this sectionunless (1) there was an agency relationship between the party who engaged inhome solicitation and the third party, or (2) the third party had actualknowledge of or participated in the unfair or deceptive transaction. A thirdparty who is a holder in due course under a home solicitation transaction shallnot be liable under this section.