§ 6-28-7 Buyer's obligations oncancellation. (a) Except as provided in § 6-28-5(d), within twenty (20) days after adoor-to-door sale has been cancelled by the buyer, upon demand the buyer shalltender to the seller any goods delivered by the seller pursuant to the sale,but the buyer is not obligated to tender at any place other than his or her ownaddress. Buyer's compliance with the seller's instructions regarding the returnshipment of the goods shall be at the seller's expense and risk. If the sellerfails without interference from the buyer to take possession of the goodswithin twenty (20) days after cancellation, the goods shall become the propertyof the buyer without obligation to pay for them.
(b) The buyer shall take reasonable care of the goods in hisor her possession both prior to cancellation and during the twenty (20) dayperiod following. During the twenty (20) day period after cancellation, exceptfor the buyer's duty of care, the goods are at the seller's risk.
(c) If the seller has performed any services pursuant to adoor-to-door sale prior to its cancellation, the seller is entitled to nocompensation except the cancellation fee provided in this chapter. If theseller's services result in the alteration of property of the buyer, the sellershall restore the property to substantially as good condition as it was at thetime the services were rendered.