§ 6-30-6 Credit card transactions Printing of accounting numbers on receipts. (a) As used in this section, the following terms shall have the followingmeanings:
(1) "Cardholder" means the person named on the face of acredit card to whom or for whose benefit the credit card is issued by an issuerand shall include any employee or other agent or authorized user of the card;
(2) "Credit card" shall be defined as stated in § 6-30-2;
(3) "Issuer" means the financial institution or otherbusiness organization which issues a credit card or its duly authorized agent;
(4) "Person" means an individual or corporation, partnership,trust, association, joint venture pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship,unincorporated organization, or any other legal entity; and
(5) "Provider" means a person who furnishes money, goods,services, or anything else of value upon presentation, whether physically, inwriting, verbally, electronically or otherwise of a credit card by thecardholder, or any agent or employee of such person.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no providershall print or otherwise produce or reproduce, or permit the printing or otherproduction or reproduction of either of the following:
(1) Any part of the credit card account number, other thanthe last five (5) digits or other characters on any receipt provided or madeavailable to the cardholder; or
(2) The credit card expiration date on any receipt providedor made available to the cardholder.
(c) This section shall not apply to a credit card transactionin which the sole means available to the provider of recording the credit cardaccount number is by handwriting or by imprint of the card.
(d) This section shall not apply to receipts issued fortransactions on the electronic benefits transfer card system.
(e) Any cardholder, whose credit card has been the subject ofa violation of this section, or the issuer of such a card, may bring a civilaction in the superior court against the provider who violated the provisionsof this section to recover or obtain one or all of the following remedies:
(1) Damages or expenses, or both, which the cardholder orissuer incurred due to the provider's violation of this section;
(2) Court costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees;
(3) Injunctive or equitable relief, as appropriate; and
(4) Any other relief the court deems proper.
(f) The provisions of this section shall become effective onJanuary 1, 2007, with respect to any cash register or other machine or devicethat electronically prints receipts for credit card transactions that is in useprior to January 1, 2005.
(g) The provisions of this section shall become effective onJanuary 1, 2005, with respect to any cash register or other machine or devicethat electronically prints receipts for credit card transactions that is firstput into use on or after January 1, 2005.