§ 6-31-2 Consumer information required. (a) Every person who sells, offers for sale, or exposes for sale at retail anyaluminum foil, bread, carbonated soft drinks, cereals, cooking oils, dog or catfood, facial tissues, fish, fowl, fruits, grains, meats, napkins, plastic foodwrapping, vegetables, waxed paper, or other consumer commodity designated bythe director, shall disclose to the consumer the unit price of the consumercommodity as provided in this chapter.
(2) The same unit of weight, measure, or count shall beutilized to express the unit price of different sizes or brand names of thesame or similar consumer commodities. All stamps, tags, or labels expressingthe total price shall be standardized within each place of business, and shallset forth the cents from dollars by use of a decimal point, different type ortype size, or a cents sign.
(b) Every person who sells, offers for sale, or exposes forsale at retail any consumer commodity shall disclose to the consumer the totalprice of the consumer commodity as provided in this chapter.
(c) Wherever meat, poultry, fish, fresh vegetables, and freshfruit are sold by a measure of weight and are packaged or wrapped for sale by aretailer in advance of being sold, offered for sale, or exposed for sale, anaccurate computing scale of adequate capacity shall be placed in a conspicuousaccessible location so the buyer may weigh the product which is being purchased.