§ 6-31-3 Means of disclosure. Persons subject to the requirements of § 6-31-2 shall disclose the unitprice and total price to consumers in one or more of the following appropriateways:
(1) If the consumer commodity is so located that it is notconspicuously visible to the consumer, or if the consumer commodity is solocated that the price information, if displayed in accordance with subdivision(2), would not be conspicuously visible to the consumer, by a sign or listbearing the price information conspicuously placed near the point ofprocurement; or
(2) By attachment of a stamp, tag, or label directly adjacentto the consumer commodity, on the shelf on which the commodity is displayed, orby stamping or affixing the price information on the commodity itself; providedhowever, that upon each commodity shall be stamped or affixed the total priceof the commodity in arabic numerals, if and when a computerized system is used;or
(3) In accord with regulations promulgated by the director.