§ 6-32-2 Duties of the seller. It shall be unlawful for any seller of goods:
(1) To fail to disclose or to misrepresent in any way thestore's policy with reference to a "lay away" sale;
(2) To represent to a buyer who is purchasing on a "lay away"sale that the specific goods chosen by the buyer or an exact duplicate of thegoods are being laid away for that buyer when that is not a fact;
(3) To fail to disclose to the buyer that the specified goodsor their exact duplicate will only be set aside for a certain period of time;
(4) To deliver to the buyer after payments (pursuant to thelay-away sale) are completed, goods which are not identical or exactsubstitutes to those specified, unless prior approval in writing has beenreceived from the buyer;
(5) To increase the price of the goods specified either byway of increasing the payments or substituting goods that are of a lowerquality or price;
(6) To fail to deliver to the buyer, on any date payment ismade, a receipt showing the amount and the date of that payment, and, uponrequest, the balance of payments made up to that date.