§ 6-32-3 Right to cancel Method Exception for special order merchandise. (a) In addition to any right otherwise to revoke an offer, the buyer may cancela lay away plan sale by written notice of cancellation to the seller at theaddress specified for notice of cancellation provided by the seller not laterthan midnight ten (10) days following the buyer's signing the agreement,excluding Sunday and any holiday on which regular mail deliveries are not made.After the ten (10) days the seller may retain no more than ten percent (10%) ofthe total payments made. The notice of cancellation shall be by personaldelivery of registered or certified mail.
(b) This right to cancel a lay away plan sale shall not applyto special order merchandise, which for the purposes of this section means:
(1) Merchandise which is to be custom made and the seller hasmade either a commitment for its procurement or a substantial beginning of itsproduction; or
(2) Merchandise that substantially differs from themerchandise that the seller ordinarily offers for sale.