§ 6-36-16 Criminal penalties Consent decrees. (a) Fines and penalties. Any person or corporation, or any officer oragent of any person or corporation, who shall knowingly violate the provisionsof this chapter or knowingly aid in or advise a violation, or who, asprincipal, manager, director, stockholder owning ten percent (10%) or more ofthe aggregate outstanding capital stock of all classes of the corporation,agent, servant, or employee, knowingly does any act comprising part of aviolation, is guilty of a felony and shall be punished by a fine not exceedingone million dollars ($1,000,000) if a corporation, or, if a natural person, bynot more than three (3) years imprisonment or by a fine of not more than onehundred thousand dollars ($100,000), or both imprisonment and fine, in thediscretion of the court.
(b) Consent decrees. The attorney general may petitionthe court for entry of a consent decree dismissing any criminal prosecutionunder this chapter, but the court shall review the proceeding to determinewhether entry of a consent decree dismissing any criminal prosecution is in thepublic interest.