§ 6-36-18 Acts of officers, directors,representatives, or agents acting within the scope of their authority. (a) A corporation, association, firm, partnership, or limited partnership isliable for the acts of its officers, directors, representatives, or agentsacting within the scope of their authority. Proof of the acts of any officer,director, representative, or agent shall be received as prima facie proof ofthe acts of the corporation, association, firm, partnership, or limitedpartnership itself.
(b) When a corporation, association, firm, partnership, orlimited partnership violates this chapter, the violation shall be deemed to bethat of the individual directors, members, officers, managers, employees, oragents of the corporation, association, firm, partnership, or limitedpartnership who knowingly authorized, ordered, aided, abetted, or advised inthe acts or omissions constituting in whole or in part the violation, whetherthe individuals acted on their own behalf and for their own benefit, or for thecorporation, association, firm, partnership, or limited partnership and intheir representative capacity. The individuals, in their capacity asindividuals, are subject to the provisions of this chapter and may be joined,if subject to personal jurisdiction, as additional parties defendant in theproceedings against the corporation, association, partnership, or limitedpartnership.