§ 6-36-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this section have thefollowing meanings:
(1) "Commodity" means any goods, merchandise, wares, produce,chose in action, article of commerce, or any other tangible or intangibleproperty, real, personal, or mixed, for use, consumption, enjoyment, or resale;
(2) "Department" means the department of attorney general ofthis state;
(3) "Documentary material" means any original or copy of anybook, record, memorandum, paper communication, tabulation, map, chart,photograph, mechanical transcription, or other tangible document or recording;
(4) "Investigative demand" or "demand" means an investigativedemand pursuant to § 6-36-9(b);
(5) "Person" means any natural person or the estate of anynatural person, or trust or association of persons, whether formal orotherwise, or any corporation, partnership, company, or any other legal orcommercial entity;
(6) "Public body" means the state of Rhode Island, any of itspublic agencies, cities and towns, its other political subdivisions and otherauthorities;
(7) "Service" means any kind of activity performed in wholeor in part for financial gain including, but not limited to, personal services;
(8) "Trade or commerce" means any economic activity of anytype whatsoever involving any commodity or service or business activitywhatsoever.