§ 6-36-7 Scope of chapter. (a) This chapter applies to: (1) any contract, combination, or conspiracy,wherever created, formed, or entered into; (2) any establishment, maintenance,or use of monopoly power; and (3) any attempt or conspiracy to establish,maintain, or use monopoly power; wherever any of the foregoing has an impact ontrade or commerce of this state sufficient to invoke the jurisdiction of thesuperior court.
(b) In deciding whether conduct restrains or monopolizestrade or commerce or may substantially lessen competition within this state,determination of the relevant market or effective area of competition shall notbe limited by the boundaries of this state. However, some portion of therelevant market or effective area of competition must be at least in partwithin this state.
(c) No action or proceeding instituted pursuant to theprovisions of this chapter shall be barred on the ground that the activity orconduct complained of in any way affects or involves interstate or foreigncommerce.