§ 6-38-2 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter:
(1) "Degree of flammability" means the rating of fireretardation of insulation products.
(2) "Insulation" means any product made of either cellular,granular, fibrous, or formaldehyde-based or polyurethane-based material which,through gas-filled voids within these materials, is designed to retard thepassage of heat through the ceiling, roof, walls, or floor of a structure.
(3) "Insulation contractor" means any individual, firm,partnership, corporation, company, association, or joint stock associationwhich advertises itself as, solicits as, or holds itself to be one which isprimarily engaged in the business of installing insulation and which has grossreceipts for the installation of insulation of two thousand five hundreddollars ($2,500) or more for all labor, or four thousand five hundred dollars($4,500) or more for all materials in any one calendar year.
(4) "Resistance factor" has the same meaning as "thermalresistance" as defined in the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, andAir-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Handbook of Fundamentals.
(5) "Vapor barrier" means any material specifically designedor intended for the purpose of restricting the passage of moisture throughwalls and ceilings and designed or intended to protect a structure againstmildew, rot, peeling paints, and a breakdown of insulation.