§ 6-39-5 Molder's rights following notice. If a customer does not take possession of the particular die, mold, or formwithin one hundred twenty (120) days following the date the molder receivesacknowledgment or non-acknowledgment of the return receipt of the notice, ordoes not make other contractual arrangements with the molder for takingpossession or for the storage of it, all rights, title, and interest of thecustomer shall transfer by law to the molder only for the purpose of destroyingthe die, molds, or form consistent with this chapter. After this, the moldershall be entitled to destroy the particular die, mold, or form as the molder'sown property without any risk of liability to the customer, except that thischapter shall not be construed in any manner to affect the right of thecustomer under federal patent or copyright law, or any state or federal law,pertaining to unfair competition.