§ 6-49-5 Damages. (a) Damages to a consumer resulting from the practices prohibited by thischapter are up to five hundred dollars ($500) per violation, or actual damages,whichever is greater.
(b) A person engaged in the business of providing internetaccess service to the public, an owner of a web page, or trademark owner who isadversely affected by reason of a violation of this chapter, may bring anaction against a person who violates this chapter to:
(1) Enjoin further violations of this chapter; and
(2) Recover the greater of actual damages or five thousanddollars ($5,000) per violation of this chapter.
(c) The court may increase the damages up to three (3) timesthe damages allowed by this section if the defendant has engaged in a patternand practice of violating this chapter. The court may award costs andreasonable attorneys' fees to a prevailing party.