§ 6A-2.1-517 Revocation of acceptance ofgoods. (1) A lessee may revoke acceptance of a lot or commercial unit whosenonconformity substantially impairs its value to the lessee if the lessee hasaccepted it:
(a) Except in the case of a finance lease, on the reasonableassumption that its nonconformity would be cured and it has not been seasonablycured; or
(b) Without discovery of the nonconformity if the lessee'sacceptance was reasonably induced either by the lessor's assurances or, exceptin the case of a finance lease, by the difficulty of discovery beforeacceptance.
(2) Except in the case of a finance lease that is not aconsumer lease, a lessee may revoke acceptance of a lot or commercial unit ifthe lessor defaults under the lease contract and the default substantiallyimpairs the value of that lot or commercial unit to the lessee.
(3) If the lease agreement so provides, the lessee may revokeacceptance of a lot or commercial unit because of other defaults by the lessor.
(4) Revocation of acceptance must occur within a reasonabletime after the lessee discovers or should have discovered the ground for it andbefore any substantial change in condition of the goods which is not caused bythe nonconformity. Revocation is not effective until the lessee notifies thelessor.
(5) A lessee who so revokes has the same rights and dutieswith regard to the goods involved as if the lessee had rejected them.