§ 6A-2-602 Manner and effect of rightfulrejection. (1) Rejection of goods must be within a reasonable time after their delivery ortender. It is ineffective unless the buyer seasonably notifies the seller.
(2) Subject to the provisions of the two following sectionson rejected goods (§§ 6A-2-603 and 6A-2-604),
(a) After rejection, any exercise of ownership by the buyerwith respect to any commercial unit is wrongful as against the seller; and
(b) If the buyer has before rejection taken physicalpossession of goods in which he or she does not have a security interest underthe provisions of this chapter (§ 6A-2-711(3)), he or she is under a dutyafter rejection to hold them with reasonable care at the seller's dispositionfor a time sufficient to permit the seller to remove them; but,
(c) The buyer has no further obligations with regard to goodsrightfully rejected.
(3) The seller's rights with respect to goods wrongfullyrejected are governed by the provisions of this chapter on seller's remedies ingeneral (§ 6A-2-703).