§ 6A-4.1-304 Duty of sender to reporterroneously executed payment order. If the sender of a payment order that is erroneously executed as stated in§ 6A-4.1-303 receives notification from the receiving bank that the orderwas executed or that the sender's account was debited with respect to theorder, the sender has a duty to exercise ordinary care to determine, on thebasis of information available to the sender, that the order was erroneouslyexecuted and to notify the bank of the relevant facts within a reasonable timenot exceeding ninety (90) days after the notification from the bank wasreceived by the sender. If the sender fails to perform that duty, the bank isnot obliged to pay interest on any amount refundable to the sender under §6A-4.1-402(d) for the period before the bank learns of the execution error. Thebank is not entitled to any recovery from the sender on account of a failure bythe sender to perform the duty stated in this section.