§ 7-1.2-1304 Revocation of voluntarydissolution proceedings by consent of shareholders. (a) By the written consent of all of its shareholders entitled to vote thereon,a corporation may, within one hundred twenty (120) days of its effective dateof the articles of dissolution, revoke voluntary dissolution proceedingspreviously taken, in the following manner:
(b) Upon the execution of the written consent, a statement ofrevocation of voluntary dissolution proceedings is executed by the corporationby its authorized representative. The statement proclaims:
(1) The name of the corporation.
(2) The names and respective addresses of its officers.
(3) The names and respective addresses of its directors.
(4) A copy of the written consent signed by all shareholdersof the corporation revoking the voluntary dissolution proceedings.
(5) That the written consent has been signed by allshareholders entitled to vote thereon of the corporation or signed in theirnames by their authorized attorneys.