§ 7-1.2-1804 Applicability to corporationscreated by special acts. The provisions of this chapter apply to all existing corporations previously orsubsequently created by any special act of the general assembly of a kind thatcould be organized under this chapter, except insofar as the provisions areinconsistent with the provisions of any applicable special act passed after May5, 1920 or with the provisions of any applicable special act passed that arenot subject to amendment or repeal at the will of the general assembly. Acorporation created by special act of the kind that could be organized underthis chapter, but whose charter is not subject to amendment, repeal, ormodification by the general assembly, may at a called meeting for the purpose,by a unanimous vote of its shareholders or members, adopt the provisions ofthis chapter upon the filing in the office of the secretary of state of acertified copy of the vote, attested by its president or vice president and itssecretary or assistant secretary under its corporate seal, and the payment tothe secretary of state of the fee prescribed by § 7-1.2-1602. Thecorporation is subsequently governed in all respects by the provisions of thischapter and its charter shall subsequently be subject to amendment or repeal atthe will of the general assembly.