§ 7-1.2-403 Reserved name. (a) The exclusive right to the use of a corporate name may be reserved by:
(1) Any individual intending to organize a corporation underthis chapter.
(2) Any domestic corporation intending to change its name.
(3) Any foreign corporation intending to make application fora certificate of authority to transact business in this state.
(4) Any foreign corporation authorized to transact businessin this state and intending to change its name.
(5) Any individual intending to organize a foreigncorporation and intending to have the corporation make application for acertificate of authority to transact business in this state.
(b) The reservation is made by filing with the secretary ofstate an application to reserve a specified corporate name, executed by theapplicant. If the secretary of state finds that the name is available forcorporate use, the secretary of state shall reserve the name for the exclusiveuse of the applicant for a non-renewable period of one hundred and twenty (120)days.
(c) The right to the exclusive use of a specified corporatename so reserved may be transferred to any other person by filing in the officeof the secretary of state a notice of the transfer, executed by the applicantfor whom the name was reserved, and specifying the name and address of thetransferee.