§ 7-15-3 Penalties for violations Disposition of seized property. (a) Whoever violates this chapter shall be fined not more than ten thousanddollars ($10,000), or imprisoned not more than ten (10) years, or both, andforfeits to the state:
(1) Any property acquired or maintained in violation of thischapter;
(2) Any property constituting, or derived from, any proceedswhich were obtained directly or indirectly from the commission of an offense inviolation of this chapter;
(3) Any: (i) interest in; (ii) security of; (iii) claimagainst; or (iv) property or contractual right of any kind affording a sourceof influence over; any enterprise that the person has established, participatedin, operated, controlled, or conducted in violation of this chapter; providedthat the value of the property forfeited shall not exceed the sum of the moneyinvested in violaton of § 7-15-2(a) plus the appreciated value of themoney.
(b) Upon conviction of a person under this chapter, thesuperior court shall authorize the attorney general to seize all property orother interest declared forfeited under this chapter on any terms andconditions as the court deems proper. The state shall dispose of all propertyor other interest seized under this chapter as soon as feasible making dueprovision for the rights of innocent persons. If a property right or otherinterest is not exercisable or transferable for value by the state it expiresand does not revert to the convicted person.