§ 7-16-22 Records and information. (a) Each limited liability company shall keep at its principal office thefollowing:
(1) A current list of the full name and last known businessaddress of each member and manager;
(2) Copies of records that would enable a member to determinethe capital values and the relative voting rights of the members;
(3) A copy of the articles of organization and anyrestatements of the articles and amendments;
(4) Executed copies of any powers of attorney pursuant towhich any certificate has been executed;
(5) Copies of the limited liability company's federal, stateand local income tax returns and reports, if any, for the five most recentyears;
(6) A copy of any written operating agreement;
(7) Any written records of proceedings of the members ormanagers; and
(8) Copies of any financial statements of the limitedliability company for the five most recent years.
(b) A member may:
(1) At the member's own expense, inspect and copy any limitedliability company records required to be kept under this section uponreasonable request during ordinary business hours; and
(2) Obtain from time to time, upon reasonable request,information regarding the state of the business and financial condition of thelimited liability company.
(c) The current list of names and addresses of the membersshall be made available to the secretary of state, the director of thedepartment of business regulation, or the attorney general, as applicable,within five (5) business days of receipt of a written request by the secretary,director, or attorney general stating that the information is required inconnection with an investigatory or enforcement proceeding.