§ 7-16-3.2 Liability in renderingprofessional services. (a) The liability of an individual authorized to practice a profession for hisor her own negligence, wrongful acts or misconduct, or that of any person underhis or her direct supervision and control, other than in an administrativecapacity, shall not be affected by the individual's providing professionalservices in this state as a member or agent of a domestic or foreign limitedliability company.
(b) An individual authorized to practice a profession and whois a member of a domestic or foreign limited liability company renderingprofessional services in this state is not liable solely by reason of being amember for any negligence, wrongful acts or misconduct of another member oragent of the limited liability company. A domestic or foreign limited liabilitycompany rendering professional services in the state is liable for thenegligence, wrongful acts or misconduct of its members and agents providingprofessional services through the limited liability company within the scope oftheir authority or apparent authority to act for the limited liability company.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, thepersonal liability of a member in a limited liability company engaged in therendering of professional services shall not be less than or greater than thepersonal liability of a shareholder of a professional corporation organizedunder chapter 5.1 of this title engaged in the rendering of the sameprofessional services.