§ 7-16-65 Filing, service, and copyingfees. The secretary of state shall charge and collect:
(1) For filing the original articles of organization, a feeof $150.00;
(2) For amending, restating or amending and restating thearticles of organization, a fee of $50.00;
(3) For filing articles of merger or consolidation andissuing a certificate, a fee of $100.00;
(4) For filing articles of dissolution, a fee of $50.00;
(5) For issuing a certificate of good standing/letter ofstatus, a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00);
(6) For issuing a certificate of fact, a fee of thirtydollars ($30.00);
(7) For furnishing a certified copy of any document,instrument or paper relating to a domestic or foreign limited liabilitycompany, a fee of fifteen cents ($.15) per page and ten dollars ($10.00) forthe certificate and affirming the seal to it;
(8) For accepting an application for reservation of a name,or for filing a notice of the transfer or cancellation of any name reservation,a fee of $50.00;
(9) For filing a fictitious business name statement orabandonment of use of a fictitious business name, a fee of $50.00;
(10) For filing a statement of change of resident agent andaddress of registered agent, a fee of $20.00;
(11) For filing a statement of change of address only for aresident agent, no fee;
(12) For any service of notice, demand or process on theregistered agent of a foreign or domestic limited liability company, a fee of$15.00, which amount may be recovered as taxable costs by the party to be sued,action or proceeding causing the service to be made if the party prevails inthe suit;
(13) For filing an annual report, a fee of $50.00;
(14) For filing a certificate of correction, a fee of $50.00;
(15) For filing an application for registration as a foreignlimited liability company, a fee of $150.00;
(16) For filing a certificate of amendment to theregistration of a foreign limited liability company, a fee of $50.00; and
(17) For filing a certificate of cancellation of a foreignlimited liability company, a fee of $75.00.
(18) At the time of any service of process upon the secretaryof state as a resident agent of a limited liability company, fifteen dollars($15.00), which amount may be recovered as a taxable costs by the party to thesuit or action making the service if the party prevails in the suit or action.