§ 7-5.1-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Professional services" means the rendering of personalservices by a person authorized to practice as one of the following professionsas defined:
(i) Physicians;
(ii) Dentists;
(iii) Attorneys at law;
(iv) [Deleted by P.L. 2000, ch. 328, § 1, and byP.L. 2000, ch. 513, § 1.]
(v) Professional engineers;
(vi) Architects;
(vii) Certified public accountants and licensed publicaccountants;
(viii) Veterinarians;
(ix) Chiropractors;
(x) Podiatrists;
(xi) Registered nurses;
(xii) Optometrists;
(xiii) Physical therapists;
(xiv) Landscape architects;
(xv) Land surveyors;
(xvi) Opticians; or
(xvii) Physician assistants.
(2) "Regulatory agency" means:
(i) The division of professional regulation when referring tophysicians, dentists, chiropractors, podiatrists, registered nurses,optometrists, physical therapists, opticians or physician assistants;
(ii) The Supreme Court when referring to attorneys at law;
(iii) The board of registration of professional engineers andland surveyors when referring to professional engineers and/or land surveyors;
(iv) The board of examination and registration of architectswhen referring to architects;
(v) The board of accountancy when referring to certifiedpublic accountants, and licensed public accountants;
(vi) The board of veterinarians when referring toveterinarians;
(vii) The board of examiners of landscape architects whenreferring to landscape architects;
(3) "Authorized to practice" means duly licensed, certified,or registered by the proper regulatory agency.