§ 7-5.1-3 Authority to practice. (a) Except as specifically provided in subsection (b) of this section, anycorporation organized under this chapter may engage in rendering professionalservices of not more than one of the professions enumerated in § 7-5.1-2,provided that every officer, director, and shareholder of the corporation is anindividual authorized to practice the profession and is employed by thecorporation in that practice. No individual may be an officer, shareholder,director, or employee of any other corporation engaged in the practice of thesame profession without the prior written approval of the applicable regulatoryagency or agencies.
(b) Nothing in these provisions is to be construed toprohibit a corporation organized under this chapter from engaging in thepractice of the following combination of professions:
(1) Physicians, dentists, registered nurses, podiatrists,optometrists, physician assistants, chiropractic physicians;
(2) Landscape architects, professional engineers, architects,and land surveyors; and
(3) Certified public accountants and licensed publicaccountants.