§ 7-6-107 Effect of repeal of priorchapters. (a) The repeal of a prior chapter by this chapter does not affect any rightaccrued or established, or any liability or penalty incurred, under theprovisions of the prior chapter, prior to its repeal.
(b) The limitation formerly set forth in § 7-6-8, asamended, which is repealed by this section, and any similar limitation does notsubsequently apply to any existing corporation whether created by special actof the General Assembly or otherwise, even if the corporation's articles ofincorporation or any special act of the General Assembly contain a reference to§ 7-6-8 or a recitation of the limitation previously contained in thatsection or any similar limitation.
(c) Each existing corporation has the powers set forth in§ 7-6-5 of this chapter even if its articles of incorporation containother or different powers or contain a reference to or recitation of the powersgranted by any act at this time or subsequently repealed.