§ 7-6-14 Service of process oncorporation. (a) The registered agent appointed by a corporation shall be an agent of thecorporation upon whom any process, notice, or demand required or permitted bylaw to be served upon the corporation may be served.
(b) Whenever a corporation fails to appoint or maintain aregistered agent in this state, or whenever its registered agent cannot withreasonable diligence be found at the registered office, the secretary of stateshall be an agent of the corporation upon whom any process, notice, or demandmay be served. Service on the secretary of state of any process, notice, ordemand is made by delivering to and leaving with the secretary of state or withany clerk having charge of the corporation department of the secretary ofstate's office, duplicate copies of the process, notice, or demand. In theevent any process, notice, or demand is served on the secretary of state, thesecretary of state shall immediately forward one of the copies by registeredmail, addressed to the corporation at its registered office. Any service uponthe secretary of state is returnable in not less than thirty (30) days.
(c) The secretary of state shall keep a record of allprocesses, notices, and demands served upon the secretary of state under thissection, and shall record in the record the time of service and his or heraction with reference to it.
(d) Nothing contained in these provisions limits or affectsthe right to serve any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by lawto be served upon a corporation in any other manner now or subsequentlypermitted by law.