§ 7-6-43 Procedure for merger. (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any general or publiclaw, rule, or regulation, any two (2) or more corporations whether defined in§ 7-6-2 or § 7-1.2-106 may merge into one of the corporationspursuant to a plan of merger approved in the manner provided in this chapter.This section does not apply to insurance holding company systems as defined in§ 27-35-1.
(b) Each corporation shall adopt a plan of merger settingforth:
(1) The names of the corporations proposing to merge, and thename of the corporation into which they propose to merge, which is subsequentlydesignated as the surviving corporation.
(2) The terms and conditions of the proposed merger.
(3) A statement of any changes in the articles ofincorporation of the surviving corporation to be effected by the merger.
(4) Such other provisions regarding the proposed merger thatare deemed necessary or desirable.