§ 7-6-9 Exemption from liability. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter:
(a) No person serving without compensation as a volunteer,director, officer, or trustee of a nonprofit corporation, including acorporation qualified as a tax exempt corporation under § 501(c) of theUnited States Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 501(c), or of anunincorporated nonprofit organization or an unincorporated public charitableinstitution qualified as a tax exempt organization under § 501(c) of theUnited States Internal Revenue Code, is liable to any person based solely onhis or her conduct in the execution of the office or duty unless the conduct ofthe director, officer, trustee, or volunteer regarding the person asserting theliability constituted malicious, willful, or wanton misconduct. As used in thissection, "compensation" does not include a per diem or per meeting allowance,health insurance benefits, or reimbursement for out of pocket costs andexpenses incurred in the service. Nothing in these provisions is construed toexempt a volunteer from liability based upon his or her ownership and/oroperation of a motor vehicle.
(b) Officers, directors, agents, servants, volunteers, andemployees of a corporation are not liable for bodily injury to any personincurred while the person is practicing for, or participating in, any contestor exhibition of an athletic or sports nature sponsored by the corporation;provided, that the person has, or in the case of a minor, a parent or guardianof the minor has, signed a written waiver of liability of the corporation andacknowledgment of assumption of risk regarding the practicing for, orparticipating in, any contest or exhibition of an athletic or sports naturesponsored by the corporation.