§ 7-6-91 Filing of annual report ofdomestic and foreign corporations. (a) The annual report of a domestic or foreign corporation shall be deliveredto the secretary of state during the month of June of each year, except thatthe first annual report of a domestic or foreign corporation shall be filedduring the month of June of the year following the calendar year in which itscertificate of incorporation or its certificate of authority was issued by thesecretary of state.
(b) Proof to the satisfaction of the secretary of state thatprior to the first day of July the report was deposited in the United Statesmail in a sealed envelope, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, is deemeda compliance with this requirement.
(c) If the secretary of state finds that the report conformsto the requirements of this chapter, the secretary of state shall file thereport.
(d) If the secretary of state finds that it does not conform,the secretary of state shall promptly return the report to the corporation forany necessary corrections, in which case the penalties subsequently prescribedfor failure to file the report within the time above provided do not apply, ifthe report is corrected to conform to the requirements of this chapter andreturned to the secretary of state within thirty (30) days from the date onwhich it was mailed to the corporation by the secretary of state.