§ 7-6-92 Fees for filing documents andissuing certificates. The secretary of state shall charge and collect for:
(1) Filing articles of incorporation and issuing acertificate of incorporation, thirty-five dollars ($35.00).
(2) Filing articles of amendment and issuing a certificate ofamendment, ten dollars ($10.00).
(3) Filing restated articles of incorporation and issuingrestated certificate of incorporation, ten dollars ($10.00).
(4) Filing articles of merger or consolidation and issuing acertificate of merger or consolidation, twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(5) Filing a statement of change of registered agent andregistered office or filing a statement of change of registered agent, tendollars ($10.00).
(ii) Filing a statement of change of registered office only,without fee.
(6) Filing articles of dissolution, ten dollars ($10.00).
(7) Filing an application of a foreign corporation for acertificate of authority to conduct affairs in this state and issuing acertificate of authority, fifty dollars ($50.00).
(8) Filing an application of a foreign corporation for anamended certificate of authority to conduct affairs in this state and issuingan amended certificate of authority, twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(9) Filing a copy of an amendment to the articles ofincorporation of a foreign corporation holding a certificate of authority toconduct affairs in this state, twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(10) Filing a copy of articles of merger of a foreigncorporation holding a certificate of authority to conduct affairs in thisstate, twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(11) Filing an application for withdrawal of a foreigncorporation and issuing a certificate of withdrawal, ten dollars ($10.00).
(12) Filing any other statement or report, including anannual report, of a domestic or foreign corporation, twenty dollars ($20.00).