§ 7-6-96 Interrogatories by secretary ofstate. The secretary of state may propound to any domestic or foreign corporation,subject to the provisions of this chapter, and to any officer or director ofthe corporation, any interrogatories that are reasonably necessary and properto enable the secretary of state to ascertain whether the corporation hascomplied with all the applicable provisions of this chapter. Theinterrogatories shall be answered within thirty (30) days after their mailing,or within any additional time that is fixed by the secretary of state Theanswers to the interrogatories shall be full and complete and shall be made inwriting and under oath. If the interrogatories are directed to an individualthey shall be answered by that individual and if directed to a corporation theyshall be answered by the president, vice president, secretary or assistantsecretary, or treasurer or assistant treasurer of the corporation. Thesecretary of state need not file any document to which the interrogatoriesrelate until the interrogatories are answered as provided in this section, andnot then if the interrogatory answers disclose that the document is not inconformity with the provisions of this chapter. The secretary of state shallcertify to the attorney general, for any action that the attorney general deemsappropriate, all interrogatories and answers to them which disclose a violationof any of the provisions of this chapter.