§ 7-6-99 Appeal from secretary of state. (a) If the secretary of state fails to approve the articles of incorporation,amendment, merger, consolidation or dissolution, or any other document requiredby this chapter to be approved by the secretary of state before the document isfiled in the secretary of state's office, the secretary of state shall, withinten (10) days after the delivery of the document to him or her, give writtennotice of his or her disapproval to the domestic or foreign person orcorporation delivering the document, specifying the reasons for thedisapproval. From the disapproval, or from the revocation of a certificate ofincorporation pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the person orcorporation may appeal to the superior court of the county in which theregistered office of the corporation is, or is proposed to be, situated byfiling with the clerk of the court a petition setting forth a copy of thearticles or other document sought to be filed and a copy of the writtendisapproval by the secretary of state; at which time the matter shall be triedde novo by the court, and the court shall either sustain the action of thesecretary of state or direct the secretary of state to take any action that thecourt deems proper.
(b) If the secretary of state revokes the certificate ofauthority to conduct affairs in this state of any foreign corporation, pursuantto the provisions of this chapter, the foreign corporation may similarly appealto the superior court of the county where the registered office of thecorporation in this state is situated, by filing with the clerk of the court apetition setting forth a copy of its certificate of authority to conductaffairs in this state and a copy of the notice of revocation given by thesecretary of state; at which time the matter shall be tried de novo by thecourt, and the court shall either sustain the action of the secretary of stateor direct the secretary of state to take any action that the court deems proper.
(c) Appeals from all final orders and judgments entered bythe superior court under this section in review of any ruling or decision ofthe secretary of state may be taken as in other civil actions.