§ 7-9-3 Acceptance of corporate bond assole surety. No additional surety is required upon any judicial or official bond or upon anyrecognizance or other obligation of record, by the judge, head of department,or other officer approving the bond or taking the recognizance, if he or shedeems the surety sufficient, but additional surety may be required by him orher, if in his or her discretion necessary. In all bonds, undertakings, orother obligations, and in all recognizances or other obligations of record inwhich "sureties" are required by law or otherwise in this state, the solesuretyship of any company duly authorized to do business in this state, ifdeemed sufficient surety by the person, judge, or official approving oraccepting the bond, undertaking, or other obligation, or taking therecognizance or other obligation of record, is deemed a full compliance withany requirement for "sureties."