§ 8-1-9 Judicial conference of RhodeIsland. There is hereby established a judicial conference to be known as the judicialconference of Rhode Island, consisting of all the justices of the supreme,superior, and district courts and the family court of the state and of suchother members as the supreme court may from time to time determine, for theconsideration of matters relating to judicial business, the improvement of thejudicial system, and the administration of justice. The supreme court shall byrule provide for the organization and conduct of the conference. The generalassembly shall annually appropriate such sums as shall be necessary to carryout the purposes of this section, and the state controller is hereby authorizedand directed to draw his or her order on the general treasurer for the paymentof such sum, or so much thereof, as may be required from time to time, uponreceipt by him or her of duly authenticated vouchers approved by the presidingjustice.