§ 8-10-15 Family court administrator. (a) There shall be a family court administrator who shall be appointed by thechief judge of the family court in his or her capacity as administrative judgeof the court, with the advice and consent of the senate, and who shall holdoffice for a term of five (5) years.
(b) Under the general supervision of the chief judge of thefamily court, within the policies established by the court, the administratorshall:
(1) Prepare an annual budget for the court;
(2) Formulate procedures governing the administration ofcourt services;
(3) Make recommendations to the court for improvement incourt services;
(4) Collect necessary statistics and prepare the annualreport of the work of the court;
(5) Provide supervision and consultation to the staff of thecourt concerning administration of court services, training and supervision ofpersonnel, and fiscal management;
(6) Perform such other duties as the chief judge shallspecify;
(7) And further to assume and perform, in addition to anyother duties provided by this chapter, the powers, authority, and the duties ofthe family court clerk, pursuant to the provisions of the general laws, andshall do and perform all other things which by law or the rules of the courtshall appertain to the office of clerk.