§ 8-10-43 References to family court Powers and duties. Wherever in any general or public law the words "juvenile court," "judge ofjuvenile court," or "chief judge of the juvenile court" shall appear, the termsshall mean and include "family court," "justice of family court," or "chiefjudge of the family court." Wherever in any general or public law the words"domestic relations court," "court of domestic relations," or "judge ofdomestic relations court" shall appear, the terms shall mean and include"family court" or "chief judge or any associate justice of family court."Wherever in title 15 reference is made to the superior court or the court ofdomestic relations, that reference shall mean and include the family court. Inaddition to the powers and authority specifically granted in this chapter, thejustices of the family court shall have, insofar as they are applicable, thesame obligations and duties as superior court justices, and in all matterswithin the jurisdiction of the court shall be vested with all of theprerogatives and authority of associate justices of the superior court.