§ 8-14-1 Management, storage, anddisposition of state court records. There shall be created a committee within the state court system withresponsibility for the management, storage, and disposition of all state courtrecords, including inactive records. The committee shall be composed of thefollowing members: the chief justice of the supreme court or his or herdesignee, the presiding justice of the superior court or his or her designee,the chief judge of the family court or his or her designee, the chief judge ofthe district court or his or her designee, the chief judge of the workers'compensation court or his or her designee, the chief magistrate of the traffictribunal or his or her designee, one clerk from each of the respective statecourts as designated by the chief or presiding justice or chief judge of eachstate court, and the head of the state court record center or his or herdesignee. The committee shall meet as required to revise the state courts'records retention policy or at the request of the state court administrator.