§ 8-15-4 Appointment of courtadministrator and assistants. (a) The chief justice shall appoint a court administrator and such assistantsas he or she deems necessary to aid in the administration of the judicialsystem. The administrator and his or her assistants shall serve at the pleasureof the chief justice.
(b) The court administrator shall, under the direction of thechief justice, prepare an annual budget for the judicial system and submit thebudget to the department of administration and perform all other necessaryfunctions relating to the administration of the courts thereof.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of the courtadministrator, under the direction of the chief justice, to act upon alladministrative matters affecting the operation of the judiciary, including, butnot limited to:
(1) The preparation of the judicial payrolls;
(2) The control of judicial appropriations for all statecourts, except those as provided otherwise by law;
(3) The procuring of office space, supplies, equipment, andprofessional and technical assistants for the judiciary; and
(d) The court administrator, with the written approval of thechief justice, is authorized and empowered to adopt any rules and regulationsthat are deemed necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section, a copy ofwhich rules and regulations shall be filed with the secretary of state andavailable for public inspection. In the formation of these rules andregulations, the judiciary shall take into consideration and conform to, wherepracticable, existing policies governing financial and personnel practiceswithin the executive branch of government.
(e) The court administrator shall, under the direction of thechief justice, assume control of and supervise the maintenance and repair ofall buildings housing the supreme and several inferior courts of justicethroughout the state of Rhode Island. The general assembly shall appropriatesufficient amounts in the court budget to enable the court administrator toimplement the provisions of this section.
(f) The preparation of the annual budget for the judiciaryand all state courts including salaries.