§ 8-15-9.2 Information to be provided toState Controller. Each quarter the director of finance shall remit to the state controller withinthe department of administration data that would be necessary to enhanceefforts to collect unpaid court imposed or court related fees, fines, courtcosts, assessments, charges and/or any other monetary obligations due and owingto the state which have been outstanding for a period of at least ninety (90)days from the date the amount was due and are not the subject of acourt-ordered payment plan in good standing, or are not the subject of anappeal. This data shall include the social security numbers, valid driver'slicense number, and date of birth, of the persons owing the outstandingamounts, if available. Provided, however, social security numbers and driver'slicense numbers shall not be part of the public record and shall be used forcollection purposes only.