§ 8-15-9.3 Public inspection of courtpayments owed. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the financesection on a quarterly basis shall prepare a list of the persons who owe courtimposed or court related fees, fines, court costs, assessments, charges and/orany other monetary obligations due and owing to the state which have beenunpaid for a period in excess of ninety (90) days from the date that any suchamounts were due and are not the subject of a court-ordered payment plan ingood standing. (The above fees are hereinafter referred to as "Overdue CourtFees".) The list shall contain the name and address of each person who owesOverdue Court Fees as of the end of the quarter, together with the total amountowed, the date that the Overdue Court Fees were imposed and the date theybecame due. No person owing Overdue Court Fees shall be included on such listif the underlying matter in which Overdue Court Fees were imposed, or theamount of the fees, is the subject of an appeal.
(b) The director of finance shall not include a person's nameon the list unless he or she has given the person at least thirty (30) daysprior written notice of the intent to include the person's name on the list.Said notice shall be sent to the person's last known address by regular mail.If during said thirty (30) day period, the person pays the overdue court finesin full, the name of the person shall not be included on the list.
(c) Any such list prepared by the director of finance shallbe available to the public for inspection and shall be published on the websitethat is maintained by the courts. Provided, however, that any such listprepared by the director shall not include any individuals social securitynumber or driver's license number.