§ 8-16-5 Certification of recommendationsto supreme court. Whenever the commission shall make a determination recommending the reprimand,censure, suspension, immediate temporary suspension, removal, or retirement ofa member of the judiciary, it shall file forthwith a copy of therecommendation, certified by the chairperson, together with the transcript andthe findings and conclusions, with the chief justice of the supreme court, andthe commission shall forthwith give the member of the judiciary written noticeof the filing, together with a copy of its findings and recommendations. Thenotice shall be mailed to the chambers of the judge or to his or her last knownplace of residence or may be personally delivered to him or her by a member ofthe commission. The transcript and the findings, conclusions, andrecommendation of the commission shall be public documents, except when theyrelate to a hearing concerning a private reprimand pursuant to §8-16-4(d), in which case they shall be kept confidential.