§ 8-18-2 Universal summons. All state agencies and municipalities which have law enforcement powers shallbe issued and authorized a form for summons and complaint to be used for allviolations specified in chapters 27 and 41.1 of title 31 and no other summonsshall be substituted except as provided by § 31-12-12. All fines,assessments, fees, and other financial charge or any other responsibility notchanged by the following shall be deemed enforceable even when the summons isissued by a municipality and adjudicated by a municipal court, or issued bystate agencies or a municipality without a court and adjudicated by the traffictribunal. All summonses once issued must be recorded by the traffic tribunalprior to a hearing, arraignment, or trial. If the summons is answered bypayment without personal appearance pursuant to § 31-41.1-2, it shall berecorded by the traffic tribunal upon return from the financial institution.