§ 8-18-4 Adjudication of summonses bymunicipal courts. (a) All summonses to be adjudicated by a municipal court shall be forwarded tothe municipal court.
(b) Summonses to be adjudicated by a municipal court shall beadjudicated by a judge of the municipal court pursuant to § 31-41.1-6 andthe rules established by the chief magistrate of the traffic tribunal subjectto the approval of the supreme court pursuant to § 8-6-2. Municipal courtsshall have jurisdiction over matters brought pursuant to § 31-41.1-7.
(c) If a motorist fails to appear to answer a summons beforea municipal court, the municipal court may proceed pursuant to § 31-41.1-5to enter a default judgment and determine whether the charges have beenestablished. Where a determination is made that a charge has been established,an appropriate order shall be entered and the motorist's license andregistration privileges may be ordered by the municipal court to be suspendedby the division of motor vehicles as provided by law.
(d) All summonses which have been adjudicated by themunicipal court and entered into the data electronic system shall be returnedto the traffic tribunal for storage as required by § 8-14-1.
(e) All municipal courts shall be courts of record, shalltape record all sessions, maintain dockets, and adjudicate all violations onthe summonses and shall be responsible for data entry into an electronic dataprocessing system of all citations heard and decided by said municipal courtspursuant to procedures and rules promulgated by the chief magistrate of theRhode Island traffic tribunal subject to the approval of the supreme courtpursuant to § 8-6-2.
(f) Municipal court judges may, in their discretion, orderdriver retraining courses in appropriate cases.
(g) [Deleted by P.L. 1999, ch. 218, art. 5, §1.]
(h) A thirty five dollar ($35.00) hearing fee shall beassessed by both municipal courts and the traffic tribunal against each personpleading guilty to or found guilty of a traffic offense or violation, asprovided in the general laws. In no case shall any municipal court exercisingjurisdiction pursuant to this chapter impose or assess any fees or costs exceptas expressly authorized by state law.
(i) If a payment for any fine assessed in the municipal courtfor any violation is attempted with a check written against insufficient funds,then an additional penalty not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) may beadded to the amount due.