§ 8-19-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) A "non-English speaking person" means any person who cannot readily speak or understand the English language and whose native languageis either Spanish, Portuguese, Cape Verdean or Cambodian. Hearing impairedpersons covered under § 8-5-8 are not included in this definition.
(2) A "qualified interpreter" is a person who throughexperience and training is able to translate a particular foreign language intoEnglish but who does not have a state certification pursuant to this chapter.
(3) A "state certified interpreter" is one who is able tointerpret simultaneously and consecutively and sight translate from English tothe language of the person needing an interpreter, and from said language toEnglish, and who has been certified pursuant to the provision of § 8-19-5.
(4) "Legal proceedings" means any criminal proceeding in theRhode Island superior court, Rhode Island district court, or in juvenilematters before the Rhode Island family court.
(5) "Appointing authority" means the judicial officerpresiding at any of the legal proceedings defined in this section and pursuantto the rules and regulations set forth by the administrative office of statecourts.