§ 8-19-3 Appointment of state certified orqualified interpreters. (a) When a non-English speaking person is a party to a defined legalproceeding, the appointing authority shall, in the absence of written waiver bysuch person, appoint a state certified interpreter to assist such person duringthe legal proceeding. Pursuant to § 8-19-5, the state department of highereducation and the state court administrator's office shall maintain a list ofRhode Island state certified interpreters from which the appointing authorityshall make its appointments.
(b) The appointing authority may appoint a qualifiedinterpreter in place of a state certified interpreter when:
(1) A good faith effort has been made to locate and obtainthe services of a state certified interpreter and one is not available; and
(2) The appointing authority makes a finding that theproposed qualified interpreter appears to have adequate language skills,knowledge of interpreting techniques, familiarity with interpreting in a courtor hearing, and that he/she has read, understands, and will abide by anestablished code of ethics for language interpreters pursuant to this chapter;and
(3) The proceeding is one of a preliminary nature and of ashort duration. Proceedings of a preliminary nature may include but not belimited to:
(a) Arraignments;
(b) Costs, restitution, and/or fine reviews;
(c) Probation reviews;
(d) Preliminary hearings on pretrial motions;
(e) Appearances before the court on bench warrants or arrestwarrants.
(c) If any relationship between the interpreter and any ofthe parties, attorneys, witnesses, victims or any other persons involved in theproceeding exists, the nature of that relationship shall be disclosed to theappointing authority on the record and the appointing authority may in itsdiscretion excuse the interpreter from said proceeding.